The Verwer Hession Trust is a registered Charity with the purpose of making available worldwide the books written by Roy Hession and George Verwer.

The purpose of the Trust is the ‘Advancement of Christianity’:

‘To proclaim and further the Gospel of God concerning His Son, Jesus Christ and the preaching of the Christian Faith around the world.’

The Trust was established by Declaration of Trust dated 19 October 1993, and it is registered with the Charity Commission – Charity no. 1031304 (England and Wales).

The Trust holds the copyright to all books, audio/visual format materials by Roy Hession and George Verwer.

The Trust relies upon royalties from its publishers, but also on gift income to continue its work in disadvantaged countries.

Please contact us for further details if you would like to help practically with the Trust or would like to sponsor a specific project. Thank you.

The Verwer Hession Trust 2024