Since it was first published in 1950, ‘The Calvary Road’ has sold well over three million copies worldwide. In all, ROY HESSION wrote ten books which together have been produced in over 80 languages.

In 2011, one of our past-trustees, GERRY DAVEY records the following: ‘The Calvary Road’ has been continuously in print in English since 1950. In its first 25 years, more than 3 million copies in English was sold worldwide. Tens of thousands continue to go out each year. It is one of the very few books that I try to read each year. It has been translated into more than 80 languages.

I have been involved in the Christian Book Ministry for nearly 50 years, and I can assure you that such a record is very unusual. Why is this? I believe ‘The Calvary Road’ deals simply and concisely with the very heart of the gospel and Christian discipleship, whatever our cultural background”.

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For Other Languages – French, Spanish, Korean and Turkish - find here

Turkmen Language available to download here

The Calvary Road - Audible audiobook (unabridged) purchase here

This is an updated audio edition of a book written by Roy Hession in 1950 in which he profiles the nature of Christian revival, and spells out the prerequisites and consequences of the activity of God in the heart of the reader.

In 1947, Roy Hession had a life–changing experience. Although a full–time evangelist, by his own admission, his ministry had grown tired and dry. But when a group who had been experiencing true revival in East Africa came to England and shared the lessons they had been learning, his life and ministry were transformed.

BISHOP FRED SHELDON MWESIGWA (Uganda Church Association) said, ‘The East African Revival Movement, an evangelical spiritual awakening movement that has become synonymous with the Anglican Church of Uganda, simply described as Okulokoka, Luganda for getting saved, was birthed in Gahini, Rwanda around 1931 and spread to Kigezi in 1935 and Ankole in 1936’.

Roy Hession said, in his second preface in 1977, “This little book expresses the truths that lie at the heart of revival just because it is itself the product of revival. As long ago as 1930, God began to work in a new way in the infant Church in Rwanda, East Africa. Infant that it was, it carried the seeds of decay within it, but a decay which God began to change into glorious fruitage when revival came. In the years that followed, the blessing of revival spread to the churches in the neighbouring countries of Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania”.

Roy Hession’s first book, ‘The Calvary Road’, has been pivotal in the lives of millions. In it, he sets out the simple truths that can lead a Christian from defeat to victory, from dryness and despair into joy and abundant life. Those truths, which are the very essence and way of revival, are spoken in this book. For those really seeking revival in their own lives, and an experience of liberty, joy and power in service, the way to those blessings is clearly described.

GEORGE VERWER, Founder of Operation Mobilisation, says: “I find it a great help and blessing to know something about the author of a book. Roy Hession’s title is just that kind of blessing. The road he speaks of is not one of perfection or super-spirituality, but one of reality and grace. As you read these pages you will see God working in the midst of the mess. I believe that the ‘Calvary Road’ is one of the most strategic books in the history of the evangelical Church.

Hundreds and thousands of copies have gone around the globe in dozens of languages. The message is hugely relevant today, and in the years ahead. It will only take a few hours to read, but can lead to a lifetime of victory and power. It is good to read it slowly and devotionally”.

And now …

DAN BRITTON, FCA Chief Field Officer, USA says, “In 2007, FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) started a partnership with Operation Mobilization. And, we actually began meeting in 2007, did some trips internationally, vision trips, to see if it was a good match. And yes, it was a good match. In 2008 we got invited to Operation Mobilization all staff meeting in Germany. At that meeting, I had a chance to see George Verwer, founder of OM and actually a 40-year-friend of our family because my dad supported him for a number of years.

And as I spent time with George during a break, he leaned over and said, “Hey, have you gotten any books off the book ministry? And there were many tables that were set up. We walked over and I said, “George, what’s the one book that I should read?” And he picked up ‘The Calvary Road’ and he said, “This book will transform your life. We make every staff person read it when they come on staff with Operation Mobilization.” I said, “Wow that is incredible.”

On the way home from Germany, I read the book. I think I underlined every single sentence. I think I “doggy-eared” every single page. And I said, “We’re going to make every FCA staff person, before they come on staff, read ‘The Calvary Road’ because we wanted to increase their spiritual leadership and understand the concepts and the principles that were laid out in ‘The Calvary Road’.

Since 2008, thousands of staff members joined the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and have read ‘The Calvary Road’ before they come on staff, understand what they are getting into when it comes to ministry, and making sure that they’re coming in with the right heart, with the right attitude, broken before Jesus Christ, and being a servant of servants. It has impacted our ministry significantly, all because of George Verwer handing the book to me in 2008 in Germany. It has been a game-changer.”

The Verwer Hession Trust 2024