All English versions are published by CLC Publications and are available in the USA and Canada here and In the UK and Europe here, along with anywhere else books are sold.

For other language editions please get in touch with us via the contact page.

The Calvary Road (published in 1950)

See ‘The Calvary Road’ page here

We Would See Jesus (published in 1958)

Author Roy Hession says, ‘We Would See Jesus is very closely linked with our former book, The Calvary Road, which was published in 1950 and which God has been pleased to bless to many in various parts of the world. 

The link between the two books is significant and is illustrative of important principles of Christian experience’. Roy goes on to say, ‘to put it another way, the emphasis is 'Calvary Road' is on repentance with the grace of God implied. But in ‘We would see Jesus’, the emphasis is on grace with repentance implied’. 

Some of the chapters include: Seeing Jesus as all we need; Seeing Jesus as the Truth; Seeing Jesus as the Door; Seeing Jesus as the Way; Seeing Jesus as the End; and Seeing Jesus - for others. This is a book that seeks to be simply about the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

George Verwer (Founder of Operation Mobilisation) says ‘Roy Hession’s message is as relevant as ever, as we appropriate God’s grace to live lives of honesty and reality’.

Serbian version available here.

Be Filled Now (published in 1967)

Roy Hession (author) says, ‘Be filled - now is more than the title of this small book. It actually summarises in three words the heart of the message of grace to which these chapters lead. It is not - be filled tomorrow - when we hope we shall have improved, but be filled now in the midst of our failure and current need - as we are, where we are’. 

George Verwer (Founder of Operation Mobilisation) says, ‘For nearly 60 years, God has used this small book to bless great multitudes. Together with Roy Hessian’s other titles, The Calvary Road and We Would See Jesus, millions of these books in various languages have been published and distributed. I pray that you will allow the message of this book to be part of your life’.

When I Saw Him: Where Revival Begins …. 

(published in 1975)

Author Roy Hession says, ‘I invite the reader to look with me at four people who saw the Lord, and effects the visions had on them. I do so because of the particular revelations of the Lord they had are the same revelations of him that we need, and when we have them they will have the same effect on us as they had on them’. 

These people were: (1) Isaiah, (2) Saul of Tarsus, (3) the Disciples and (4) Joshua. 

Dr Joe Church (author of ‘Quest for the Highest), in his foreword states, ‘I first met Roy in the summer of 1926. ….. In 1947 a small team of us had come home with the definite vision of sharing with the Christians of England what we been learning in revival in East Africa. A telephone call from Roy linked us up after all those years, and resulted in the team being invited to the Bible conference house party which Roy was running in Matlock, in the centre of England. The messages, fresh from a convention in Western Uganda were given, and afterwards were written up by Roy in his book ‘The Calvary Road’.

Our Nearest Kinsman (published in 1976)

This is Roy Hession’s study on the Book of Ruth. From this beautiful story comes the message of revival, restoration and redemption. 

Roy says, ‘When Naomi went to Moab and then saw her husband and two sons die, it seemed that all was lost. But in fact it was just the beginning of a wonderful period of Israel’s history, and ultimately ended with the birth of the Messiah’. 

George Verwer (Founder of Operation Mobilisation) said, ‘I had the joy of a close friendship with Roy Hession and saw him putting into practice the message of his books. He is now with the Lord, but his message is as relevant as ever’. 

Forgotten Factors (published in 1976)

In this book, Roy Hessian points out the forgotten factors in sexual sins, those matters which are so often missed when people tried to turn around again - the wrong done to one another, the multiplied duplicities, the wrong done to one’s own body, the wrong done to God - and shows those factors up in all the main forms of sexual misbehaviour. 

Eddy Stride, Rector of Christ Church in Spitalfields, London, in his foreword to the book says, ‘this is how the grace of God is magnified by the author, and as he takes us deeper into the nature of sin, we find that none of us is guiltless and so all of us are candidates for the grace of God which comes to us through the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ’.

Roy Hession says, ‘No sins cause so much sorrow and shame and so many unhappy complications, both personal and social, as sins of sex’.  The aim here is to lead the reader to a deeper repentance so that he can truly experience the grace of God that, not only forgive sins, but makes over anew, the situation of confusion and misery caused by these sins. 

A truly helpful book.

Croatian version available here.

Serbian version available here.

Macedonian version available here.

Azeri version available here.

Ukranian version available here.

From Shadow to Substance (published in 1977)

Roy Hession says, ‘this book is a rediscovery of the inner message of the Epistle to the Hebrews, centred on the words, ‘let us go on’. It is, however, not intended to be a merely academic study of the great epistle, but is meant to be for the hungry-hearted, and I trust will be found loaded with encouraging applications for the neediest reader’.

I would be disappointed if all you got was a new understanding of the epistle rather than a new sight of Jesus. We today so often live as if we are bound by the old covenant, feeling that obedience is burdensomely demanded of us, rather than secured for us. When Christ is the substance of our lives, the law is written in our hearts’. 

My Calvary Road (published in 1978)

In this autobiography, Roy Hession shares the story of his life and faith. Here Roy tells the story of how those truths were learnt in his own life. Brutally honest about his own mistakes and failures, he is able to give hope and encouragement to even the most despairing Christian. 

An evangelist who in his lifetime was well-known on both sides of the Atlantic, Roy recounts how revival came to his personal life and ministry. With utter frankness he tells how he was blessed by failure, his life is a demonstration of the true grace of God.

George Verwer (Founder of Operation Mobilisation) says; ‘I find it a great help and blessing to know something about the author of a book. Roy’s autobiography is just that kind of blessing. The road he speaks of is not one of perfection or super-spirituality, but one of reality and grace. As you read these pages, you will see God working in the midst of the mess’. 

Not I, But Christ (published in 1980)

This book is about the Christian’s relationship with Jesus explained from the life of David. This is a book of delightful theology that goes to the heart of our difficulties as humans and as Christians, and portrays it through the beautiful story of David’s life.

Roy Hession says, ‘I am not concerned merely to show the beautiful parallels between David and Christ, but to see in it all a pictorial presentation of certain great truths of the New Testament with regard to the Christian life, notably of the words, ‘not I, but Christ’, perhaps the most complete description in the New Testament of the heart of the Christian life and how it is to be lived.”

‘This is devotional writing of a very high quality’: David Winter. 

Good News for Bad People (published in 1989)

Also published as ‘The Power of God’s Grace’. 

This powerful book is for Christians old and new. With his fresh portrayal of grace, Roy Hession shows how you really can experience joy, peace and genuine revival in your Christian life.

Roy Hession says, ‘I have been seeking to proclaim the whole message of grace since I was confronted with revival in 1947. Though I was a full-time evangelist, I was profoundly moved by this confrontation with living revival and I began a new walk with the Lord. As a result, I was given a new concept of the gospel of grace of God by means of which God accomplishes the revival of His church and the salvation of the lost. This book is the direct result of that new concept’. 

George Verwer (Founder of Operation Mobilisation) says, ‘I had the joy of a close friendship with Roy Hession and saw him putting into practice the message of his books. He is now with the Lord but his message is as relevant as ever’. 

The Verwer Hession Trust 2024