IF YOU WISH TO GIVE TO The Verwer Hession Trust, our UK Bank details are listed below:

CAF Bank, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4JQ (UK)

Sort Code: 40-52-40

Account Number: 00002656

IBAN: GB37CAFB40524000002656

Swift / BIC Code: CAFBGB21XXX

Or to


If you are in North America, you can also give to the Trust via our associated USA charity, Great Commission Foundation (GCF).

Send a cheque to ;

The Great Commission Foundation,
3230 Seagraves Mill Road, Hull, GA. 30646, USA.

Indicate on the cheque that it is for ‘The Verwer/Hession Trust’ .

Or instruct your bank to send a bank cheque as a monthly gift or a one time gift, to the GCF at the address above; Indicate on the cheque that it is for ‘The Verwer/Hession Trust’.

Or give via PayPal:

When giving via this link, donors must identify in the memo section that the donation is for
‘The Verwer/Hession Trust’ , so that GCF can identify your gifts correctly. Thank you.

GIFT AID (UK donations only): We are happy to announce that the Trust is now registered for Gift Aid. This allows RHBT to claim back from the HM Customs and Revenue, 25p on every £1 donated under Gift Aid.

Please contact us for more details.

The Verwer Hession Trust 2024