Roy Hession was born in London in 1908, and came to faith through the influence of a Navy Officer cousin in 1926. After working for Barings, the merchant bank, for ten years, he committed himself to full-time preaching, and became one of the most effective Christian evangelists in post-World War II Britain, especially among young people.

In 1947, Roy (around 40) came into contact with Christians involved in the East Africa revival with its strong emphasis on openness and repentance. This experience was to have a profound impact on his life, and it was from this that the message of The Calvary Road emerged in 1950.

The Calvary Road – his most influential book - has been published in over 80 languages with over a million copies in print. Roy (and sometimes Revel) went on to write a further nine books, all have been translated into many languages and continue to be in demand.

In 1967, he lost his first wife, Revel, in a road accident. Then in 1968, he married Pamela Greaves who had worked as a missionary in East Africa.

Roy Hession died in 1992, but the ministry of his ten books is promoted worldwide by the Roy Hession Book Trust.


George Verwer is the founder and former International Director of Operation Mobilisation (OM), a mission involved in evangelism, training and church planting around the world.

He led this work from its inception in 1957 through to August 2003, then handing over to other leaders. George is also the International Director of the Special Projects Ministry.

George is as passionate about the distribution of Christian books and literature as he is about missions which he does around the world as ‘Leader and minister at large’ with OM.

He and his wife, Drena, make their home in London, U.K. Their two sons, one daughter and grandchildren live in Britain and the USA.

George’s own website is at:

NOTE: Both authors have their own messages on the website:

George Verwer — 3rd July 1938 – 14th April 2023

Beloved husband of Drena and father of Ben, Daniel and Christa has completed his journey. George died peacefully at home surrounded by his family.

‘Therefore, my beloved brothers be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord knowing that in the Lord your labour is not in vain’.

1 Corinthians 15:58

“Following a short illness, our dear brother George Verwer has been ‘called home’ – surely hearing those words ‘Well done, good and faithful servant’.

We thank God for this man, who has been such a living example of what it means to be a true servant of God, never feeling he was someone special, frequently expressing surprise that the Lord could use a ‘ragamuffin’ such as him.

George began well, ran well, and has now finished well.

We acknowledge the immeasurable contribution of Drena and family, who sacrificed so much to support George. We also recognise the invaluable contribution of Vera, his faithful PA for over 43 years.

George, we honour you, giving God all the glory.”

David Ost (Chair) - The Verwer / Hession Trust.

The Verwer Hession Trust 2024